Pranayama Breathing

About our Pranayama Breathing Online Course

Why Practice Breathing?

Pranayama is the Sanskrit word for controlled breathing.

Pranayama practice will support and sustain you.

This dynamic Pranayama course is entirely online. It includes both on demand and livestream opportunities for you to learn and practice techniques.

You will learn how to breathe efficiently.

You will see how efficient breathing can support good posture, clear thinking, emotional stability, tolerance, and overall well-being.

Benefits & Outcomes

Improve Health

Respiration and circulation go hand in hand. When it’s going well your body gets what it needs and gets rid of what it doesn’t.

Balance Your Mind

Find balance in your breath and your mind will follow.

Sleep Better

Breathing practice can help you get to sleep and sleep more soundly.

Regulate Blood Pressure

Breathing easy lowers blood pressure.

Metabolic balance

Regular breathing helps to regulate metabolism and support healthy digestion.

Increase Flexibility

Build tolerance in your nervous system and find freedom.

This course can not serve as a replacement for personalized professional healthcare. Please talk with your healthcare team about any concerns and acknowledge, by registering for the course, that you assume full responsibility for your own health and safety.

Pranayama: Register Now!

Pranayama Course is available as a standalone course or as part of our Membership.

Pranayama Online Course
Membership 1 month – Includes Pranayama
Membership annual – Includes Pranayama

What’s Included

On demand videos
Access lessons anytime. Learn how to wake up and warm up muscles and position yourself to optimize breathing. Learn techniques to help energize and to facilitate ease. Short videos are easy to follow for beginners and will serve as a good refresher for experienced students.

Livestream practice
Join our community for regular practice together online. 15 minutes in the morning (if you’re in the Alaska time zone) will do wonders for your day.

Flexibility and strength
Tension in the neck, shoulders, and belly can force shallow, inefficient breathing. Learn to relax and hone in on the strength that lies beneath the surface with this powerful practice!

Stress reduction
Deep breathing reduces the concentration of stress hormones. It stimulates a parasympathetic nervous system response that includes the release of hormones that help us to feel relaxed, contented, and happy.

Improved posture
When you recognize your body as a vehicle for breath and find the joy and power of its full capacity… you will also find the postures that support this potential. The more you practice, the more integrated and sustainable this efficient postures will become.

Experienced instructor
Margi has been studying, practicing, and teaching breathing techniques both as a yogini, and, as a clinical therapist for nearly two decades. The proven benefits for mental, emotional, and physical health cannot be denied and these techniques are a part of every practice that she facilitates…. with therapeutic intent.

Supportive community
What joy to know that we are not alone in all this! Practicing (virtually) alongside other compassionate beings is healing in itself. Our community offers just the right balance between structure and freedom. You can dive in deep, or, you can peruse the perimeter. You are welcome to be here, however you are most comfortable.

Pranayama Breathing Yoga


Pranayama Breathing

by Margi Clifford


Please contact us if you have any questions. We will do our best to help you.