Equanimity and the forces of nature
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Equanimity and the forces of nature

If you’ve been following along it should be no surprise that there is opportunity for equanimity accompanying the change in season. The forces of nature are at work and the dramatic shifts that happen around the change of season are nearly impossible to ignore.  Our Spring Equinox webinar (click here to access the recording) presented…

epigenetics and nature nurture balance

Epigenetics emerging

Epigenetics is an emerging science that examines the effect of experience on genetic expression. It seems that science has come around to an appreciation of collaboration. It’s yoga! This article will offer some correlations between the ancient and emerging perspectives. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is an ancient text that outlines a philosophical framework and…

Writing prompts for Winter Writing Workshops
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Best writing prompts for Winter Writing Workshops 2024

Writing prompts are some of the best ways to get your creative wheels, not only turning, but moving forward! We’re using writing prompts in our Winter Writing Workshops to not only get words moving (which isn’t AS high of a priority when folks have already committed to showing up for the workshop) but also to…

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Evolve, from the Latin evolvere “to unroll, roll out, roll forth, unfold.” It’s what we do. Here, embodied, we roll, on this planet of ours around the Sun. We roll from one day into the next, one phase of life to another. Our lives unfold before us. I think we assume that there is a progression,…



Lovingkindness is the 9/10 Paramis (Perfection) practice that we have been studying in our Evolve mindfulness courses this year. Lovingkindness is sometimes otherwise known as goodwill, benevolence, or simply, kindness. It is one of the practices that help us to reveal and preserve an open heart and a calm mind. In the Yoga Sutras lovingkindness…

That's it!

That's it!