

Truthfulness Of course, truthfulness is a perfect reflection. It brings with it an indomitable strength and, a most tender benevolence. Truthfulness is an act of service. It requires courage. It requires energy, patience, and generosity. It gives rise to wisdom and frees us from that which causes suffering. Truthfulness is the stout hull of the…



Patience is the perfection practice that we are working with this month. These are practices to beautify the mind and heart. We feel good when we do them! Our mental, emotional, and physical health improves when we are steeped in these practices. Patience as a practice (rather than a characteristic) may be appreciated as a response…



In our mindfulness groups this month we have been working with energy. It is one of the ways  that we can purify the mind and heart. It’s actually a coincidence that this is our topic this month but it does seem incredibly appropriate! Perhaps it is a meaningful coincidence.  Summer is such an incredibly energetic…

That's it!

That's it!