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Evolve, from the Latin evolvere “to unroll, roll out, roll forth, unfold.” It’s what we do. Here, embodied, we roll, on this planet of ours around the Sun. We roll from one day into the next, one phase of life to another. Our lives unfold before us. I think we assume that there is a progression,…

Dark and light

Dark and light

Are you afraid of the dark? Have you not realized that your eyes will adjust, that your hands and your ears, and your nose can also see? There is seeing that is more subtle than guided by the sun. There is a brilliant light, astonishing in the winter. It is reflected in the snow. It…

3 steps to find yourself in the midst of it all

It’s that season again… colder temps, shorter days, and kindred traditions have us spending more time indoors, surrounded by stuff (which for some of us, includes people and pets and plants.) It’s not just physical stuff. It’s also aspirations and disappointment and sometimes, it’s just too much. Schedules get packed like sardines, inboxes overflow, that…



Lovingkindness is the 9/10 Paramis (Perfection) practice that we have been studying in our Evolve mindfulness courses this year. Lovingkindness is sometimes otherwise known as goodwill, benevolence, or simply, kindness. It is one of the practices that help us to reveal and preserve an open heart and a calm mind. In the Yoga Sutras lovingkindness…

That's it!

That's it!